Most Commonly Asked Questions About Us.

Note: The purchase of a Unit at Seminole Cove is subject to prior Association approval.

Q: What are my voting rights in the Condominium Association?
A: The Unit Owner(s) have one (1) vote per Unit.

Q: How much are my assessments to the Condominium Association for the Unit type and when are they due?
A: The assessment for a Unit (lot only) is $114.00 a month. The assessment for a Residential Unit is $114.00 a month. We no longer have  bulk contract. All assessments are due by the first of each month.

Q: How is the Association governed?
A: The Association is governed by a seven (7) member Board of Directors and is self- managed. The firm of Wicks, Brown, and Williams and Company, Certified Public Accountants, located in Okeechobee, handles our financial affairs in concert with the Association Treasurer.

Q: When is the annual Unit Owner’s meeting held?
A: It is held on the first Tuesday in March, at the Clubhouse, starting at 7:00 PM.

Q: What restrictions exist in the Condominium documents on my right to use my Unit?
A: If a new manufactured home is to be placed on the Unit, or an existing home is purchased, fourteen (14) requirements must be met within a sixty (60) day time frame as defined in the Association Declaration, Restrictions, point h, page A-13. In some instances, the Unit Owner may occupy the residence prior to the total completion of all requirements to avoid a hardship. The Unit Owner may apply, in writing, to the Board of Directors for an extension of time and permission to occupy. Before the commencement of any activity, the Review Committee representing the Board of Directors must approve all purchases or construction. At least one occupant of a Residential Unit must be fifty-five (55) years old or older. (Refer to Declaration, Page A-12, Section XII, Restrictions, for further information).

Q: What restrictions exist in the Condominium documents on the leasing of any Residential Unit?
A: Any Lessor must lease the Residential Unit for thirty (30) days or more. The Lessee’s written application shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval prior to occupancy. All restrictions that apply to owners occupying homes would apply to lessees.

Q: Do I have to be a member in any other association?
A. No

Q: Am I required to pay rent or land use fees for recreational or other commonly used
A: No, the use of the recreational facilities is included in the assessment fee.
Q: Is the Condominium Association involved in any court cases in which it may face
liability in excess of $100,000.00? If so, identify each case.
A: No

Q: How much does it cost to collect our refuse (garbage, yard waste, recycled material)?
A: The amount assessed to cover these services is charged on your annual tax bill.

Q: What is the cost for water and sewer?
A: The water/sewer bill is issued monthly by the Okeechobee Utility Authority and is the responsibility of the Unit Owner.

Note: The statements contained herein are only summary in nature. A prospective purchaser should refer to all references, exhibits, the sales contract and the Condominium documents. Should you need additional information concerning these matters, please contact any Board member.